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As a registered member you help Latinas Unidas grow, and be a respected and credible organization in the community. By way of your membership support you help us with our programs:

  1. Keep our traditions alive among our children as we celebrate the Dia de Reyes.
  2. Organize the Soy Unica Soy Latina Rally, a dynamic one-day camp for girls ages 7 to 17 offering workshops on self-esteem, careers.
  3. The University of Rochester is the Prime Sponsor of this event.
  4. Offer scholarships: Young Entrepreneur Academy directed to young Latinas, and the Latina Women Scholarship for Latina women in our 9-County area.
  5. Celebrate the achievement of local Latina women who excel in one of four categories: Volunteerism, Career Achievement, Leadership, and a Young Latina at our Annual Reconocimiento Awards, which has grown to be our signature event.


As a registered member of Latinas Unidas you have voting privilege for the Board of Directors slate every year. You can also benefit of a discount at paid regular networking events such as our popular Café Con Leche, Evening of Networking and Winter Networking events, always a favorite among our members.

Through our website, we can offer these additional online benefits for our members:


Annual Cost: FREE

Juvenil membership is for young Latinas ages thirteen (13) to seventeen (17) that provides mentoring and leadership development opportunities to raise the next generation of Latina leaders. It is a non-voting membership.

  • Leadership development through LU Juvenil (Teen Committee) and the Planning Committee of the ¡Soy Unica! ¡Soy Latina! Rally
  • Mentorship opportunities
  • Pathway to board opportunity
  • Monthly Newsletters
  • Updates about opportunities within LU and the community


Annual Cost: FREE

Amiga membership is an entry-level membership to engage women in the organization.

Benefits of the Juvenil level (except Teen/Rally committees) PLUS:
  • Meets membership criteria for scholarship. (Do you want to delete this period?)
  • Access to LU events
  • Leadership Development Opportunities - serve on a LU committee
  • Voting rights at annual meeting


Annual Cost: $50

Hermana membership is for women who support the mission of LU and want to financially support the organization.

All the benefits of the Amiga level PLUS:

  • Access to LU events at discounted rates
  • Eligible for “Stars Among Us” recognition


Annual Cost: $100

Empresaria membership is for entrepreneurs or those with an entrepreneurship spirit who desire to advance their business acumen, presence, and influence in the community, especially as it relates to advancing Latinas.

All the benefits of the Hermana level PLUS:

  • Access to LU events at greater discounted rates
  • Acknowledgment on website and social media platforms
  • Discounted rate for Business Expo
  • Eligible to apply for a FREE table at ¡Soy Unica! ¡Soy Latina! Rally


Annual Cost: $500

Ejecutiva membership is for companies or non-profit organizations who are committed to the advancement and inclusion of Latinas within their organizations and in the community. This level provides membership for up to 10 Latinas within their organizations. This membership has one (1) vote at the annual meeting.

All the benefits of the Empresaria level PLUS:

  • Access to LU events at greater discounted rates (same as Empresaria)
  • Company recognition on the website and social media platforms, including the business spotlight series.
  • Job postings shared with the LU members and on social media.
  • Higher discounted rate for Business Expo

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Ejecutiva Member Companies:

Lazos Fuertes
(UR Medicine)

Our Mission

The mission of Latinas Unidas is to foster opportunities that will promote unity, cultural identity and the presence of the Latina woman in the community; to encourage and motivate women to be self-confident to assume leadership roles to positively impact society.
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