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What Does “Latinas Futuristas: Shaping Tomorrow, Today” Mean to You?

07 Nov 2024 6:30 PM | Reconocimiento & Scholarships Awards Latinas Unidas (Administrator)

As we prepare for our annual luncheon, I’m curious and thrilled about this year’s theme: “Latinas Futuristas: Shaping Tomorrow, Today.” This phrase inspires me, and I feel a deep sense of excitement every time I hear it. For me, it speaks to our power and influence—not only in our families and communities but also in every field we enter, every challenge we tackle, and every opportunity we create. It reminds me of the strength I see in all of you and the incredible potential we have to shape the future.

This theme has our board and me reflecting deeply on the future we are shaping for ourselves and the generations to come. But it’s not just about our vision—it’s about hearing from all of you!

For some, "Latinas Futuristas" might carry different meanings, or perhaps it's the first time you're considering your identity as a Latina and the impact you're having on your Latinitas, and the way you're empowering those around you. We want to know how you see yourself and how you’re contributing to our collective future.

What does "Latinas Futuristas" mean to you? What images, hopes, or ideas come to mind? Whether you're a student, a professional, a community leader, or simply someone who feels connected to our mission, we want to hear how you envision yourself and our community as part of the future!

  1. Do you think of this as a call to break new ground in your career?
  2. Do you feel inspired to mentor younger Latinas and show them what’s possible?
  3. Or maybe you envision Latinas in every space, proudly rooted in our heritage while moving forward with confidence and vision.

These thoughts will help us shape our event on December 11th to reflect who we are and the impact we’re making. Our goal is to gather and showcase perspectives from our Latinas Unidas family at the luncheon. Hearing from you will add depth and meaning to the conversation and celebrate our collective strength and dreams.

So, I invite you to share your thoughts on what “Latinas Futuristas: Shaping Tomorrow, Today” means to you. Email us, message us on social media, or even pull me aside when you see me. Your voice is powerful, and we look forward to celebrating each and every one of you as we come together for this inspiring event.

You can purchase your tickets here for our annual luncheon Latinas Unidas Reconocimiento and Scholarship Awards.

With anticipation,


Raquel Singletary
Latinas Unidas President
Latinas Unidas Reconocimiento Committee Co-Chair

Visionaria Sponsors

Innovativa Sponsors

Ejecutiva Member Companies

Lazos Fuertes
(UR Medicine)

Our Mission

The mission of Latinas Unidas is to foster opportunities that will promote unity, cultural identity and the presence of the Latina woman in the community; to encourage and motivate women to be self-confident to assume leadership roles to positively impact society.
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